Black 2 Comm is a genre free radio show produced and presented by Paul Jackson. Each track connects to the following in a running order that switches between musical styles, dates and audio quality - often leading to strange and unlikely musical pairings. Avoiding the restrictions of mainstream radio play-listing and genre based programming, the sequence carves its own unique path through pop culture. It is broadcast live at 8 o'clock on Sunday evenings on Resonance 104.4 FM (in central London) and can be streamed from

Black 2 Comm 15th March 2020

Featuring Larry Wallis, Maximum Joy, Max Romeo and more. Cheq out the latest offering from the brilliant Jimothy Lacoste. Last year the Comm fell out of love with the Soundcloud sensation. His tunes "Wearing Loafers" and "Wearing Burberry Socks" marked an all time low. He was also very nearly canceled for dropping the N bomb but he's now officially back with a bang! Just prior to Christmas he dropped the incredibly catchy "Fina Glow" followed by "Getting To Fly In The Sky" and now "Humble", marking a definite return to form. The production seems to have made a quantifiable leap. It no longer sounds like he's producing the tunes in his bedroom but don't worry, he hasn't lost any of his charm, in fact I think he sounds better than ever . . . and he's living the highlife too, yamming Nandos on the daily apparently!
I think he owes me some royalties though, as he's been blatantly biting my style. Keeping it this and keeping it that as well as the connective A to the B to the C are Comm copyrighted catchphrases after all . . . he'll be hearing from my lawyers imminently!

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