Black 2 Comm is a genre free radio show produced and presented by Paul Jackson. Each track connects to the following in a running order that switches between musical styles, dates and audio quality - often leading to strange and unlikely musical pairings. Avoiding the restrictions of mainstream radio play-listing and genre based programming, the sequence carves its own unique path through pop culture. It is broadcast live at 8 o'clock on Sunday evenings on Resonance 104.4 FM (in central London) and can be streamed from

Black 2 Comm 6th May 2018

Featuring Faces, Candi Staton, The Normal and more. Cheq out this footage of The xx performing "Intro" on the Pyramid stage at the Glastonbury festival in 2017. The track is reminiscent of those early '80s bands like Cocteau Twins or The Cure. They look unlike other groups, with Romy Madley Croft and Oliver Sim dressed head to toe in black, swaying while playing their guitars as production wizard Jamie xx taps out the beats on his Akai MPC 500. It's much more than the smart phone clutching hordes deserve!

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